Artistic visualisation of a black hole surrounded by matter in space

As NASA reported, a black hole was captured on an image for this time.

Scientists manage to produce an image thanks to the Event Horizon Telescope project, an international network of radio telescopes spread around the world, from Hawaii to the South Pole.

This is a great accomplishment because black holes don’t have a visible form that a human eye can see.

Their incredibly strong gravity bends space to the point that nothing can escape once it’s been pulled inside – not even the light.

And this specific black hole is particularly powerful – 6.5 billion times heavier than the Sun it generates an extremely powerful gravitational pull sucking the surrounding interstellar matter from far away.

It took scientists two years to assemble the image. Knowing it’s possible, researchers hope to capture more objects similar to this one soon.

The biggest and most well-known radio telescope is located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, but it wasn’t used for this particular observation.