Can black holes be a doorway to another universe?

As unbelievable as it may sound, the new study revealed that black holes could actually be doors to another world – Independent reported.

Some, rather optimistic, scientists are looking into the possibility of replicating similar conditions on Earth – opening such a doorway would be, without a doubt, one of the biggest scientific discoveries.

More pessimistic scientists claim however that due to the extreme requirements, we may never be able to create a black hole.

The two main obstacles they point out are a huge amount of energy required for this to happen – according to Wikipedia “the minimum energy of a microscopic black hole is 444 kWh, which would have to be condensed into a region of 1.6(18)×10−35 m”.

The other, and much bigger, obstacle is the ability to concentrate this energy in a single point, which is far beyond the capabilities of our current technology.

However, is it completely impossible? In more simple terms, it’s the amount of electricity that 2000W electric oven uses when ran non stop for 9 days; that energy would then need to be condensed within the space of an atom.

That, surely, seems like a problem that the brightest minds could eventually tackle..

Looking at the flipside of the coin, the actual outcome of such experiment is rather worrying – black holes are mainly known for ripping
apart and swallowing their interstellar neighbors.

The ultimate question arises – is the game worth the candle?