The light was poor as I could barely see the end of the dark room where we were sitting. The smell of burnt wood and whiskey was pleasantly hanging in the air.

What a strange place to choose for my introduction to a new team member.

“Well, I’ll leave you two so you can get to know each other. I believe Ms Nakamura has interesting information to share.” – Rashmoor finished introducing me to the new teammate and left.

I was sitting at this strange bar, alone with a sexy woman of Asian origin, no older than 38 – 40 years old, who was now looking at me with her adorable eyes.

Did he know that the cuteness of Asian women was something that I was sensitive to? – I thought to myself.

“Well, I’m going to go too, I really don’t think there is much to discuss”, I said and got up, ready to leave. Escaping before I fell for her Japanese charm seemed the right thing to do.”

“Professor, wait”, Ms Nakamura grabbed my hand and stopped me from leaving, “I know you are determined to retire, but I have information that may be of value to you.”

Something about this woman made me think it was worth listening to what she had to say.

I sat down.

“Thank you, Mr Thorpinski. Now let me tell you why I’m here.”, she started, “I’ve made interesting progress in my work on black holes and quantum, entangled states of the matter – and that’s why I was brought in. I also specialise in mechanical engineering and miniaturization. This means that I can help concentrate the gun’s energy much more efficiently, bringing the necessary voltage input down significantly… but we both know you don’t care about any of that. You want to retire and that’s all that matters to you.”

She was reading my mind; that’s exactly all I wanted, apart from getting away from Rashmoor of course. Her remarkable career, or cuteness, would not impress me or make me change my mind.

“Professor”, she put her hand on top of mine and continued, “I’ve found a way to go far beyond what this project is set to achieve. The Gravity Gun may be able to produce impressive space-bending projectiles, but once we’re done with the project, why not explore it further?”, she was looking at me, and I could feel suspense building up, “Mr Thorpinski, if we play it right I think we may be able to create the actual black holes…”

Ok, I had to admit, this sounded intriguing.

Without waiting much longer, she dropped the ultimate cliffhanger, “Professor, I think we both know that what the Gravity Gun really has to offer is much more than mere space-bending bullets – black holes could be the first step to creating something much bigger…”

Was she actually reading my mind?

It didn’t matter. What mattered was that she got my attention. And she knew that.