Mysterious Hybrid Universe is a work of fiction unfolding daily in front of you

Jack Thorpinski story (the main plot) is FREE for everyone. However, the additional content that shapes the hidden part of the vast Hybrid Universe can only be explored by Curious members. Please Subscribe to our Curious membership & see for yourself what other secrets Hybrid Universe holds..
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A mysterious illness has affected the staff of a local newspaper agency, leaving them off sick for the whole of last week. The cause of the disease is still unknown, but it has raised concerns among the agency’s management and the public.

Hybrid Universe agency, located in the downtown area, currently employs one staff member as a journalist, editor, and administrative personnel. On Friday, 10th of Feb, an employee #reported feeling unwell and experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, and body aches.

Within hours the symptoms worsened, prompting the agency’s management to close down the premises for the remainder of last week. The affected employee was advised to seek medical attention and self-isolate until their condition improved.

An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the mysterious illness at Hybrid Universe

The agency’s management has since launched an investigation into the cause of the illness. Initial tests conducted on the affected employee have ruled out common illnesses such as flu and cold. However, the management is still waiting for the results of more comprehensive tests to determine the cause of the illness.

The closure of the newspaper agency has caused inconvenience to its readers, who have been unable to access the website. Hybrid Universe apologizes for the disruption and has assured its readers that it is working hard to resolve the issue.

Despite no evidence linking the illness to COVID-19, the incident has heightened concerns for employee health and safety.

In conclusion, the mysterious illness that has affected the staff of Hybrid Universe has caused concern among the agency’s management and the public. The cause of the illness is still unknown, but an investigation is underway. The incident highlights the importance of taking precautions to prevent the spread of illness in the workplace and serves as a reminder of the ongoing risk posed by infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

Hybrid Universe has reopened its activities as of Monday, 20th of Feb.

UPDATE 08.03.23

It turned out that the virus triggered a longer delay that extended to nearly a month of inactivity. The creator of Hybrid Universe was trying to blame external circumstances, but all evidence suggests that it was nothing but his laziness that got in the way. The team is working on overcoming this deadly illness that kills many businesses.

Even though there was no content created for a long time and Hybrid Universe charges its users for a paid subscription for reading said content, the legal team (imaginary) has confirmed that there would be no serious consequences as nobody has signed up to a bloody paid subscription yet. Thankfully.

On that note, the team (one person) is getting back to work immediately and starting to produce content again.

Now pay $5, as famous entrepreneur Ewon Max said.