Drake Hannighan wrote a new note in his journal

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At last, the scientists appear to be making progress. Their investigations have led them to the discovery of the explosion, which seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle. It’s a thrilling development, one that’s sure to propel their research forward at an accelerated pace.

With the explosion now in focus, the exploration into the mysterious event will undoubtedly gain momentum. Their determination to uncover the truth is palpable, and I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement as they delve deeper into this enigma.

This all means that the path to understanding Pangea’s demise is becoming clearer, and the answers they seek may finally be within their grasp.

However, this new breakthrough also presents a sense of urgency. I must act swiftly before the researchers unravel the complete truth behind the explosion and its consequences.

If they too begin drilling soon, the full extent of what occurred might be exposed, and I can’t allow that to happen.

My mission is more critical than ever now. I need to stay ahead of the scientists, ensuring that the secrets of Pangea remain just that—secrets. Time is of the essence, and every moment counts.