Jack Thorpinski speaks to Jamie about

The fading light of day added an ominous touch to our secret rendezvous. Our long shadows seemed to stretch towards the looming security and data center inside the heavily guarded military base, our workplace.

Many vehicles and base personnel were out of the base patrolling the border. The situation along the wall was getting more and more intense as hundreds of migrants arrived in Chihuahua ready to cross to the US.

As Jamie and I met across the desolate street, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of our clandestine mission pressing down on me.

My heart raced, and my palms were slick with sweat as I had some bad news to share with her. I had to trust her more than ever, for it seemed my secret was wobbling on the precipice of discovery.

“Jamie,” I began, my voice low and tense, “I need to tell you something.” I hesitated for a moment as my eyes were scanning the vicinity for any signs of eavesdropping. Then, with a deep breath, I revealed my recent discovery, “I found a hidden microphone in my apartment.”

Jamie’s eyes widened in alarm and she instinctively glanced around, as if expecting unseen eyes and ears to surround us. “A microphone?” she whispered incredulously.

I nodded solemnly. “Yes, Jamie. I think Rashmoor might be onto me. It seems that he’s been spying on me, I just don’t know how long for.”

The mention of my enigmatic boss, Rashmoor, sent shivers down my spine and I could tell she felt it too. Inherited from his old days, ruthlessness and obsession with loyalty were still present in him. If he had discovered our true intentions, we’d be in grave danger.

Jamie’s initial response was immediate and decisive. “We need to report this, Jack. This is a serious breach of privacy and if Rashmoor is involved, we can’t handle it ourselves.”

I shook my head vehemently, my dread was growing. “No, Jamie, we can’t do that. Rashmoor is too powerful, too well-connected. We need to find out what he knows before we make any moves.”

Frustration impaired Jamie’s usually composed features. “But how? Breaking into the data and security center? That’s insanity, Jack! After everything that just happened at the missile range, we’ll surely get caught! If that wasn’t enough, the heightened security measures due to the migrant crisis across the boarded from El Paso won’t make it any easier!”

I took a deep breath and met her gaze with a determined look in my eyes. “Jamie, I’ve thought this through. I’ve been working on a plan and I really need your help to pull it off. The situation in El Paso may actually work in our favour as it can provide distraction.”

But Jamie’s skepticism was real. She crossed her arms, a mix of doubt and concern was clearly showing on her face. “Jack, you understand the risks, right? This isn’t just about your son anymore; it’s about our own safety!”

I nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. “I know, Jamie. But what do you want me to do? Drop it all now and give up just like that?”.

The conversation wasn’t going well. What’s worse, I still haven’t told her

A heavy silence descended upon us as I revealed the one condition I hadn’t mentioned before. “I know this whole situation is starting to get out of hand, but Jamie I have to ask you one more thing – my plan won’t work unless you come with me and help me break into the center.”

Jamie recoiled as if slapped. Her eyes hardened, and her lips tightened into a firm line. “Absolutely not.”

Desperation welled up inside me as I gripped Jamie’s hand, refusing to let her resistance deter me. I stared deeply into her eyes, searching for any hint of relenting. “Jamie, this is the last thing I’ll ever ask of you. I have no choice but to ask for your help. Please.”

Jamie’s gaze flickered, torn between her natural caution and the undeniable connection that had grown between us throughout this perilous journey.

Time seemed to stretch as we stood there, the encroaching darkness swallowing us whole. The choice that Jamie faced was monumental, one that could alter the course of our lives and the outcome of our mission. The stakes were higher than ever, and our future hung precariously in the balance. Our next steps were uncertain, but they were inevitable.

She nodded her head. “Fine Jack, but after this, I am out. I wanted to help you with the Blue Hole, not be hunted by Rashmoor as a saboteur of the project or break into highly guarded facilities. This is getting too much and I want to get my life back on track”.