Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

Thorpinski and Nakamura, those insufferable troublemakers, dared to infiltrate the security centre. What were they up to? I can’t understand why they felt entitled to breach our defences and can’t tolerate such insolence.

It’s time to dissect every surveillance recording meticulously. Whatever clandestine agenda they harboured must be quickly exposed. I need answers, and I need them now.

Also, how did they manage to elude our camera system? It’s increasingly frustrating. I can’t help but admit that Nakamura’s skills may be the root of this audacious breach. She’s far more cunning than I initially presumed.

I spoke to the security guards and gave them a strict order not to let anyone into the security room who doesn’t have a proper authorization.

A reminder: write to the base commander about the breach.

I understand his preoccupation with the El Paso debacle, but he can’t simply neglect his responsibilities here at the base. The incompetence of our security personnel allowed civilians to trespass into the security centre. This incompetence is inexcusable and compromises the very fabric of our operations.