Has Russia developed weapon that the US can't stop?

The US Navy is pushing for the upgrade to their current weaponry as Russias has reported they have developed hypersonic missiles.

Such projectiles can travel up to 5 times the speed of sound. They are incredibly difficult to detect and deal with using the current defense systems.

The new Russian development is called The 3M22 Zircon missile and was tested on the White Sea for the first time. A Russian navy vessel reported a successful hit of a target at sea using Zircon missile, which traveled at a speed of Mach 8 – 6,138 miles per hour, or 9878 km/h.

This means it could travel around the world in just 4 hours.

At such speed, it could reach US mainland within an hour, even if fired from the shores of Russia.

This puts tremendous pressure on Pentagon to produce a new type of weaponry able to counter-attack.

Multiple military projects are currently in the research phase. Additionally, as DefenseNews reported, Pentagon now wants to involve Universities too.

Photo by Martin Jaroš on Unsplash