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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Drake Hannighan

Drake Hannighan – an important figure and entrepreneur. It’s not entirely clear how he has made his fortune, but no one asks due to his charitable persona and support for science. He may be a bit odd but his superhuman-like resilience, forward-thinking and ambition make up for some of his minor character flaws.

Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Dig deeper. Lightning bolts are so much more than you think..

Interesting. Wondering when, or if, they ever discover what's really behind all of it. I need to keep an eye on their progress in this matter.

Hawaii’s seismic activity explodes, but no need to act yet

Hawaii is kicking off again... seems like the activity is increasing. First Tonga, now this... wondering what's next. I need to start monitoring seismic patterns...

The upgraded LHC is very promising, but is it powerful enough?

Now we're talking. The latest news regarding upgrades to LHC has really made my day. I've been waiting for the Large Hadron Collider to start...
Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Bitcoin price today.. could it be any sweater?

Well, isn't it just fantastic? All the time and effort thrown into the void, and what do you know, crypto is making headlines once...
Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

CERN is getting ready

I'm thrilled to see the CERN facility embarking on a new chapter. It's a sight to behold - the team, especially Marianne, meticulously following...
Drake Hannighan wrote a new note in his journal

It was a false alarm. Shame as I got thrilled

It didn't seem like Vanuatu tremor was what I was looking for. The quake was quite unusual but what I found was not what I expected....
Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Agent out but phase 1 completed

Message from Agent 23: I find myself in a precarious situation. Despite all precautions, I've been apprehended with undeniable evidence. They possess a decent knowledge...
Drake Hannighan wrote a new note in his journal

The countdown begins: The device arrived, now the team needs to install it

The time has come. The team is in position and the equipment has arrived. Our moment of triumph is near, but first, we need...
Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Good find, but these are just fossils

As I sit here jotting in my journal, I can't help but chuckle about the drilling project in Halleck Creek, California. American Rare Earths,...
Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Bitcoin price surge came just when I needed it

The news from CERN brought a grin to my face; it's time to tie up those loose ends that have been nagging at me....

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The Giza Pyramid Complex aligned with Orion's Belt constellation

Egyptian Pyramids: Unlocking Orion’s Stellar Link

In the sandy silence of the Giza Plateau, the majestic pyramids stand as timeless testaments to ancient Egypt's grandeur. Among the many mysteries these...
Artist's rendition of densely-packed asteroid 33 Polyhymnia possibly containing new elements.

Superheavy Elements: Unraveling Asteroid Mysteries

The cosmos has always been a vast source of mystery and fascination, but a recent study reported by Space has added a new layer...
Bleu Royal diamond potentially being transported to CERN research

Has CERN laboratory acquired a £44m gemstone? If so, what for?

The auction world witnessed a remarkable event as the Bleu Royal, a blue diamond of unparalleled beauty and worth $44M, found a new owner...
Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

The final piece in place, now it’s a waiting game

The thrill of success is palpable as I jot down these words. A smile creeps across my face, for the elusive final fragment that...
CERN Lab Safety Training Exercise in Progress

CERN Announcement: Safety Reboot Sparks Curiosity

In a surprising move that has sparked a wave of curiosity across the scientific community, CERN's leadership has announced tightening safety protocols within its...