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ATLAS, Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, has been operational for 7 years now as the first telescope of this global monitoring structure was installed in 2015.

For those unfamiliar with this project that was founded by NASA and operated by University of Hawaii, it’s a “robotic astronomical survey and early warning system optimized for detecting smaller near-Earth objects a few weeks to days before they impact Earth“, as Wikipedia explains.

Most of the asteroids are relatively small and pose no danger to life on Earth. Typically, these small particles explode in the upper atmosphere, vaporizing most or all of their solid components.

The probability of a major event is real however, as larger objects strike Earth every 200 years, on average. The most recent one is known as the Tunguska event from 1908, which flattened an area similar to Shanghai – one of the largest cities in China and in the world.

Drake Hannighan has been confirmed as the latest member of the community with access to the system.

“It’s important we protect ourselves from all threats, known and unknown. And this is what ATLAS allows us to do.”, Mr Hannighan stated.