Coyote Jones from Universe Today news agency had managed to secure five minutes with Drake Hannighan to ask him about his business, life, and passions.

CJ: Please tell us a bit more about your business and what you do.

DH: Thank you Coyote, a pleasure to be here with you today. In a nutshell – I’m an entrepreneur with a wide range of interests. My parents had passed away a long time ago and I inherited a small fortune. Today most of my business is investing. 

CJ: Do you have any hobbies or passions?

DH: Well, that actually links with my business. I always believed that when your passions and talents align with your daily job, that’s when you can achieve extraordinary results.

I’m generally a curious person and like to explore new things, interesting topics and unconventional ideas.

I have an interest in precious stones. I think there is something magical about them so I occasionally attend auctions and buy jewels as a form of investment. I have a small collection, but some of my most favorite stones are still missing.

I also love to study weather, astronomy, geology, and history.

There is something fascinating about humanity and how, throughout history, life on earth has been intertwined with the planet we live on.

CJ: That’s a wide range of interests. Is there any specific era in history that you find particularly interesting?

DH: 16th and 17th centuries are my favourite periods, more specifically European wars. There is still so much we need to learn about these times and the adventurer in me really wants to uncover some missing parts of that history.

CJ: And what do you do in your spare time? 

DH: I love to meditate. It really helps me center my energy and keep in the right place. This way, I can amplify it and use it when needed. There is something powerful about awakening your inner energy.

CJ: What’s your life goal?

DH: I would say I have lots of small goals. But in the end I’d love to find a way to bring them all together and become who I am meant to become.

Abraham Maslow once said, “What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization”, and that’s been my mantra throughout the years.

CJ: Thanks Coyote, it was a pleasure to chat with you. I hope we’ll have a chance to do it again.

DH: Not at all, pleasure is mine.