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UFO and other interstellar objects have gained interest in recent months as more and more sights and reports surface.

Not only Pentagon and NASA are now showing more concern about unknown flying objects, but private observers as well.

Drake Hannighan is one of many sky-watchers looking for signs of unusual activities.

“There are many reasons why we need to be on the stand-by.”, Mr Hannighan said in an online interview with Coyote Jones,”As Pentagon pointed out, there have been many sights of UFOs so the threat may be real. Personally, I’m more interested in meteorites and any unusual activity around them. Those that come close to, or crash on Earth are of particular interest to me. At least for now.”

Unknown flying objects, or UFO, are nothing new and reports of sights go back a long time. But they’ve never been at the centre of attention of prominent government units like the Pentagon or individuals like Drake Hannighan.

The famous entrepreneur is known for his passion for all things space and earth related, but recently it seems that his hobbies are turning into a full-time job.