Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Message from Agent 23:

I find myself in a precarious situation. Despite all precautions, I’ve been apprehended with undeniable evidence. They possess a decent knowledge of our operations, revealing an unforeseen vulnerability in our protocol.

Evaluating Risk and Strategy

Given the current circumstances, it’s evident that the risks associated with continuing my role have escalated significantly. For the safety of the mission and all associated personnel, it becomes imperative for me to suspend the activity immediately.

The present environment is no longer conducive to clandestine operations and my visibility poses a direct threat to our objectives.

Status of Core Objectives

However, it’s crucial to note that the essential components of our mission have been successfully accomplished. All critical data and resources are now secured with the designated asset.

This development ensures that even in the face of adversity, our operations can continue without a significant hindrance.

In the event of my absence or compromised communication, I urge you to rely on the asset and adhere to our established contingency plans. Until further communication, stay safe and operate under the assumption that our adversaries are always a step ahead.