Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Got the update from Agent 23 and it doesn’t look good.

From what she’s hinting at, our mission’s at risk. That darn hacking device we put everything into? It’s potentially our downfall, and that’s a mess I didn’t expect.

Sentient Software is my best bet

In the world of hacking, there’s no room for error. You have to always stay ahead. To tackle this looming issue, I’m deploying my latest sentient program. This isn’t just any regular hacking software; it’s our emergency protocol.

Its mission is crystal clear: erase any digital evidence, leaving no trace of our activities behind. When our operation’s security is at stake, this program is our safety net. These conversations need to disappear before they are heard by the wrong people.

The chip is a vault of secrets

Jamie is one of the best in the field, but everyone needs a nudge once in a while. This mission isn’t just another task—it’s paramount.

The chip she left behind is now assigned to retrieve isn’t just silicon; it’s a vault of secrets. If that information lands in the wrong hands, it won’t just be a mission failure, but a catastrophe for all of us involved.

Considering the gravity of the situation, I need to stress to Jamie the importance of her hacking skills now more than ever. There’s no room for slip-ups.

We’ve come too far and invested too much time, energy, and resources to let it crumble now. Everything, every minute detail, rests on the success of this mission. The hacking device will help her achieve that.