Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

Marianne Curie pinged me from CERN, letting me know that she and the Large Hadron Collider team got their hands on The Bender.

It’s wild thinking about the hours, no, the years I’ve invested into this project. The Bender wasn’t just another piece of tech to me; it was a labor of passion and grit. The journey was taxing, to say the least.

I’ve poured sweat and tears into it for what feels like an eternity now. And in the end, I’ve only ever managed to craft two of these bad boys; and one got snapped up and taken away after the last experiment, luckily though it churned out results beyond what I expected.

Now the last working piece? It’s with the LHC Collider team.

I hope that Marianne and her team aren’t just looking at it, and are knee-deep in retrofitting the Large Hadron Collider. Yeah, my creation, right in the heart of one of the world’s most advanced machines.

That Bender’s got some ethical hacking potential, and if anyone’s got the hacking skills to harness it, it’s them.

Soon they will be on the brink of the testing phase, Marianne says. Every part of me is pulsating with excitement, but there’s this nagging voice in my head. If The Bender goes haywire… Well, let’s just say I don’t want a headline about blowing up CERN.