Drake Hannighan in his secret headquarters

So, there I was, right smack in the middle of Chichen Itza, gawking at what’s hands down the highlight of the Mayan calendar—a solar eclipse that was nothing short of mind-blowing.

For the Mayans, this isn’t just another day; it’s like their version of the World Cup, or the Super Bowl, only way older and more cosmic. Given how epic this was turning out, every journalist and their camera-wielding cousin seemed to be there.

Me? Just trying to make sure this historical shindig went down without a hitch.

2012 Mayan Calendar Prophecy: Deja Vu or What?

Now here’s where things went from zero to sixty.

As the eclipse was doing its grand finale thing, the shaman—big deal around these guys—started dropping lines that sounded like something out of a history book.

It was straight-up giving vibes of that mysterious 2012 Mayan prophecy. All those old-school predictions from the Mayan calendar? Felt like they were playing on repeat. I bet it got everybody thinking—was he legit getting some celestial Wi-Fi signal, or just riffing off old legends?

Worried about where this might lead, especially with the world watching, I thought I’d step in. I pulled the shaman aside for a quick chat, suggesting maybe he chills a bit with the prophecy talk.

Making a Swift Exit: Before Things Got Too Wild

But man, he was all in, convinced he was the gods’ personal messenger or something.

As the minutes ticked on, I could feel the vibe shifting. More folks seemed to be eyeballing me than the sky.

With all the buzz from the eclipse and the shaman’s explosive throwback, things were heating up faster than I liked. And I really didn’t want to become a part of the Mayan Calendar prophecy.

Figuring I didn’t need any more spotlight, I slid out of there, ninja-style. No need to stick around and stir the pot any further.