I froze as the speaker introduced the new project lead.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome on stage Killian Rashmoor”.

Instantly I felt goosebumps covering my entire body. I stood there feeling as if Mike Tyson punched me in the face with everything he had, but I was somehow able to stay on my feet. Shocked and in a state that resembles panic, or terror, I watched Rashmoor walking onto the stage.

Killian Rashmoor is going to be in charge of the Gravity Gun?

What were they thinking? Did he put himself forward for this? Does he know…?

I’ve worked so hard to deliver the first working prototype of the Gravity Gun, and out of all the people, why on earth is this murderer taking over the project?

Things couldn’t have turned out any worse, so I guess I have no choice but to retire now. For my own safety, I needed to cut myself off from the project completely and never look back again.

As Rashmoor started his speech, I felt sick and couldn’t stay at the party any longer. I grabbed Natalie’s hand and rushed out of the room heading straight back home.

As I was driving, Natalie was bombarding me with questions. “Why can’t we stay at the party a bit longer? What’s up with the sudden rush? Do you know Rashmoor? Are you ok?”

These were all good questions, but I couldn’t answer any of them for the safety of both of us. The important part was getting home safely.

It was a cold evening and the car’s windshield started to fog up. The street ahead was dark and I couldn’t see well so I redirected the air vents to the front window of my Mazda CX-9 to disperse it. The storm also brought a lot of rain, so the road was wet; I wish I had already swapped the tires to the winter model.

I was carefully driving us back home, but my focus was somewhere else. Lost in thoughts that were boiling in my mind, I heard Natalie asking me question after question but it was all just a muffled sound as my brain struggled to concentrate on her voice.

The name “KILLIAN RASHMOOR” was bouncing in my head like an echo of a terrifying sound trying to escape from a cage.

Is it possible this is the same Killian Rashmoor…??

I shook my head to get out of this nearly hypnotic state, but it was for nothing.

All I could think of was the speaker’s announcement from 20 minutes earlier that stroked me like a lightning and sent shivers down my spine.

What now?