Sitting at my disorderly desk, I took a deep breath and glanced around my chaotic apartment. Papers strewn about, diagrams scribbled on napkins, and half-empty coffee cups littered every available surface. The base’s constant buzz served as a fitting soundtrack to the disarray, both in my surroundings and within my own thoughts. I could sense the weight of my secret project, Blue Hole, bearing down on me, as if the very walls of the room were closing in.

Hesitation gnawed at me as I contemplated the potential consequences of reaching out to the Large Hadron Collider, as Jamie recommended. The exposure of Blue Hole, my clandestine and illegal endeavour, would be inevitable, putting my career and possibly my life at risk. Yet, the feeling of urgency was undeniable, a relentless force propelling me forward. I knew that I needed their resources and expertise to bring my son back and to make this time-space tunnel a reality.

With a deep breath, I began composing the email, my fingers dancing hesitantly over the keyboard. As I was carefully crafting the words to reveal the true purpose of Blue Hole, I felt my heart racing as I described the time-space tunnel I sought to create. The enormity of my disclosure loomed large, as I unveiled the secret I had harboured for so long.

“Dear Marianne,

My name is Jack Thorpinski and my colleague Jamie Nakamura has shared your email in the hope you can help me.

I don’t have much time so I will be brief – I’ve been working on a solution that may sound ridiculous to an average folk, but I believe you will understand my concept.

For many years I’ve been working on a device whose sole purpose is to connect different moments of time and space. I’m sure you can easily imagine what I mean by that.

I call it Blue Hole and am very close to having a fully functional first model, but I need your help to make it happen. More precisely, I need your laboratory – The Large Hadron Collider – to activate my time-space gate. Jamie mentioned that, as the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, it’s the only place on the entire planet that has enough capacity and power supply to make it happen.

Apart from granting me access to it, there is another hurdle. I am fully aware that the amount of electricity necessary for this experiment is enormous and this brings a huge bill with it. The hurdle I am referring to is my lack of funding.

However, I am sure you can already imagine what it’ll mean for the lab team when the experiment is successful and we manage to open the tunnel – I’m convinced that nearly unlimited funds will flow from around the world, which will be all yours to keep. I want nothing from it.

Adding to that, I don’t have much time. I can’t share more details but due to certain circumstances, this is extremely time sensitive. I am on the cusp of something monumental, but I need your cooperation to make it happen.

One more thing I want to ask of you… this request is highly classified. If this information is leaked both, myself and my wife, will likely be in grave danger.

Looking forward to hearing back from you very soon.


Jack Thorpinski.”

With the message completed, I hesitated once more, my finger hovering above the send button. The stakes were enormous, and the uncertainty was real. I thought of Jamie, an optimistic and adventurous soul who had stood by me as I walked this dangerous path. Her unwavering support provided the final push I needed to take the leap of faith.

I press send.

As the email disappeared into the digital ether, doubt and anxiety surged through me. It was an audacious proposal, especially given the short notice and lack of funding. The anticipation of their response is going to be agonizing, and I couldn’t help but question whether I had made a grave mistake. Yet, the alternative was never to know if my dream could become a reality, and that was a risk I was no longer willing to take. Now, all I could do was wait and hope that they would see the potential in Blue Hole, just as I did.