I burst through the bathroom door, breathing heavily and trying to locate my wife. The room was filled with steam and the smell of lavender. Natalie was lying down in the bathtub enjoying herself.

She was away for a couple of days and returned home an hour earlier.

“What is happening?!”, she opened her eyes and looked at me surprised.”

“Natalie…”, for a second I hesitated whether I should tell her, but there was no way I could hide it from her. “Natalie, there is something I need to tell you”.

My bathroom entry clearly scared her and she was looking at me knowing that what I was about to say couldn’t be anything good.

“I know that it will sound very random, but I don’t have time for explanations”, I started, “Do you remember my last call with Nate?”.

She lifted herself up and, without breaking eye contact, slowly, as if in slow motion, said – “W h a t – a b o u t – y o u r – l a s t – c a l l – w i t h – N a t e?”

If my bathroom entry wasn’t disturbing enough, what I was about to say was going to shock her even more.

“Nat, I just met a guy who killed him”. She was looking at me without saying anything as if she was paralysed.

“What??”, she shouted, “You met who? How? Why? Whattt??”, she was spitting out questions one after another.

“I know it’ll sound crazy, but I wasn’t entirely honest with you..”, if she wasn’t intrigued enough already, now I got her full attention, “what I never told you was that at the very end of my call with Nate, he mentioned a name. A name of a person who was after him because Nate discovered something he wasn’t supposed to..”

A gentle smell of lavender incent was still hanging in the air.

“I think it’s quite obvious that the name he gave me was the same person that was trying to hunt him down. And I didn’t tell you any of that because I knew you would start looking for that guy and it was not safe!”

“Jack”, she cut me off, “skip the details. How do you know that the person you met is our son’s murderer?”

I wasn’t sure how to say it so I wouldn’t terrify her even more. It took me a good few seconds to gather my thoughts.

“Natalie, we actually both met him”, her eyes popped as she stared at me confused. She didn’t seem to believe what I was saying. “The name that Nate mentioned to me was… Killian Rashmoor”.

I saw goose bumps covering her entire body, disbelief and shock were now painted on her face. Natalie was stunned.

“Killian Rashmoor?”, she finally broke the silence, “the same Killian Rashmoor that is supposed to lead the Gravity Gun project now?”

She was looking at me frightened and then continued. “You realise there is no way you can continue working on the Gravity Gun, right?”

She was reading my thoughts.

The only thing that was concerning me was that to meet all his objectives, Rashmoor desperately needed me to stay on the project.

How would this vicious murderer respond when I announce my retirement now…?