CERN's commitment to safety in scientific research facilities
CERN emphasizes the importance of safety with new prevention-focused protocols.

At CERN, the home of groundbreaking scientific research and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), safety is paramount. In the recent update, the organization released a video emphasizing its commitment to the health and security of personnel and the integrity and safety of the surrounding environment. CERN’s Health and Safety (HSE) unit leads this critical charge by developing and disseminating comprehensive safety protocols tailored to the unique needs of the organization’s diverse operations.

Safety at CERN is now one of the top priorities

CERN’s approach to safety is proactive and preventative. The HSE unit has produced an array of safety materials, such as informative flyers and posters, aimed at raising awareness among staff and visitors. These resources are designed to guide individuals through the basic principles of safety at CERN, as well as to inform them about the support services available to assist in maintaining a secure working environment.

In addition to these general safety resources, CERN recognized the specialized risks associated with different departments and experiments, particularly within the LHC. To address these specific challenges, the HSE unit collaborates with individual departments to provide detailed, tailored safety information. This ensures that all personnel, regardless of their role, are equipped with the knowledge to identify and mitigate risks pertinent to their specific duties.

Everyone is obliged to follow the safety protocols

Reinforcing its safety message, CERN has recently released a new video that serves as a stark reminder of the potential hazards present on site. This video is more than just an informational tool; it’s a rallying cry for everyone at CERN to actively engage with and adhere to the safety protocols that have been put in place. It emphasizes that safety is not solely the domain of the HSE unit but a collective responsibility that every member of the CERN community shares.

By continuously advancing its safety initiatives, CERN sets a high standard for scientific institutions around the world. The organization’s stringent safety measures reflect its dedication to conducting high-caliber scientific exploration without compromising the welfare of its staff or the environment. CERN’s persistent focus on safety underscores its role as a leader not only in scientific discovery but also in responsible and sustainable operational practices.