Is UK going to lose access to prestigious European science programs?

EU and UK still haven’t reached the final withdrawal deal, which means a wide range of sectors are still in the dark.

UK has already left the EU in January 2020, but the transition period is still in force until Januar 1st 2021.

This means that there is just one month left to strike a deal and secure UK’s access to the EU markets and development programs.

One of the biggest scientific projects that EU is planning for 2021 – 2027, Horizon 2020, is aiming to distribute €100m among the bloc’s members, and other parties who contribute to the program.

If the deal is not reached it is likely that UK researchers will lose access to this prestigious program, as well as other promising technologies that EU scientists are developing.

“In the current version of the fund, called Horizon 2020, these have included €1-billion projects on brain science and quantum technologies.”, Nature wrote and added that “Plenty remains up for grabs with Horizon Europe […] which includes a €13 billion fund for defence-related research.”

With one month left and lots to lose, the pressure on the UK negotiators is growing to make progress and secure access to the EU market and opportunities that come with it.