Killian Rashmoor personal notebook
Personal records of Killian Rashmoor

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It’s good to see that energy prices have come down in the last few months, but they are still high.

Unfortunately for all of us, Gravity Gun is a power-hungry monster that needs a lot of energy to run. And higher energy prices mean fewer tests we can run within our budget.

I think the organization was already considering suspending the project after energy prices spiked last summer, so I hope that Dr Nakamura is as good as they say. Her expertise in optimizing and focusing energy beams will be instrumental now. Really hope she can reduce power consumption drastically, as she promised.

But I can’t rely on her word alone; all tests have to go as expected. We won’t have any extra opportunities to fine-tune the gun.

The team needs to be aware of it and do their 110% to make sure that happens. Otherwise, we’re screwed.

Well… I’m screwed. And that’s not happening as the last thing I want is a scar on my stellar career.

I feel like the pressure on me is growing every day, so media coverage is not helpful. It’s only adding unnecessary stress.

Well, there is only one thing to do. I need to squeeze everything I can out of the team. Focus focus focus is the mantra the whole team needs to adopt now.

Successful completion of this project will be an incredible achievement and will fit right in on my perfect resume.