Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

The dim glow of a solitary lamp illuminated the mahogany desk, as the hush of night enveloped my office. Papers, evidence, and photos were scattered about, but my thoughts were sharp, focused.

Nakamura’s Secrets

There’s no denying the intrigue that Nakamura and Thorpinski have stirred. My initial meeting with Nakamura went well but I have to coax more out of her. What is this device they’ve fastened to the Gravity Gun? What’s their endgame?

My spies had them under watchful eyes, but those damned recordings vanished before I could study them. It feels like a mockery; time and resources wasted. Yet, despite this, there’s some solace. I sense Nakamura’s allegiance shifting which means Thorpinski is isolated with the walls slowly closing in on him.

Thorpinski’s Recklessness

Thorpinski, the very name sends a surge of disgust through me. His shameless audacity knows no bounds. Every move he’s making, every bold decision, has cast a shadow over my otherwise pristine reputation.

How does he find the gall? Yet, despite all my anger, I’m shackled by circumstances and can’t do anything about it. For now… The Gravity Gun, still unfinished, holds the key. Until its completion, Thorpinski shall remain untouchable, an irritating reality that deeply bothers me. How did I find myself in this position, bound to someone so recklessly cavalier?

He better realize the thin ice he’s treading on. I won’t allow another blunder to tarnish my name. And with Asset no 2 secured… I’ve got all the leverage I need on him. He’ll understand where his attention must lie. The Gravity Gun isn’t just a project; it’s a lifeline, his, mine and Assets.

Final Gambit

The path ahead is clear, but not without its challenges. It’s a game of patience and strategy. And while my tolerance wears thin, my determination remains unwavering. Thorpinski will realize the gravity of his position. The endgame is in sight, and nothing can deter me.