Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

As I entered Rangemaster’s office today, memories of our past flooded back. We’ve been through the fire together, having served side by side in special ops.

The bond we formed in those days of adversity was unbreakable. It’s that trust, that shared history, which made me choose him for this crucial role.

Rangemaster has always been impeccable in his duty, his moral compass often acting as a counterbalance to my more rigid stances.

Security protocols are the top priority now

I didn’t waste time. “Rangemaster,” I began, trying to suppress the impatience in my voice, “as you know the national security is at risk. It’s time we enact stringent security protocols.”

He looked conflicted, a sentiment I had expected. “Sir, have we really considered all possible repercussions?”

Cutting to the chase, I pressed him. “Did you or did you not move Asset no 2 to the safe house?”

The Delicate Nature of Collateral Damage

After a breath that seemed to hang in the air for an eternity, he admitted, “It’s done. But the risk of collateral damage, especially to civilians… It’s high. This isn’t just a security threat to them, but a huge moral dilemma for us.”

I could feel my own pride, my anger rising. “Sometimes, one has to make sacrifices, Rangemaster. Can’t you see the bigger picture? Our nation’s very fabric is at stake. And that’s only the enemy within.. what about all the external threats evolving as we speak? Remember, the responsibility to take care of all that is on us Rangemaster. The security of our nation lies in our ability to deliver the Gravity Gun.”

His professionalism shone through his obvious discomfort. “I see it, sir. But we must also anticipate and prepare for the fallout.”

As I met his gaze, determination took over. “You’ve always been the logical one, but now’s not the time to waver. We must stand firm.”

Rangemaster sighed, the weight of our decisions clearly bearing down on him. “Alright. We’ll proceed discreetly. Just remember, any misstep and we might expose more than we intend to.”

I know that the choices ahead are perilous. The line between safeguarding a nation and possibly betraying its people, for some can be blurred.

But I see clearly what I must do.