Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

Opening the door to the dimly lit room, I immediately made out the silhouette of Jamie. My comrades, Speedright and Rangemaster, flanked me as we entered.

The walls were bare with a two-way mirror on the side. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling, casting shadows that seemed to sway with the weight of the tension in the room.

Face-to-Face with Betrayal

“I know what you did, you little rat,” I spat, leaning across the table towards her.

She tilted her chin up with an irritatingly cool demeanour plastered on her face. But as her eyes darted between me and Rangemaster, I could sense a tremor of fear. After all, it was Rangemaster she had incapacitated during the security breach.

“You think you’re smart?” I continued, “We found that device you so sneakily attached to the Gravity Gun. And trust me, the camera never lies. It showed you, clear as day.”

Speedright laid the incriminating photos on the table in front of her, and I watched as her façade began to crack. I pushed further.

“Recognize him?” I pointed to Rangemaster. “He certainly recognized you. You may have gassed him, but memories, especially of betrayal, don’t fade easily.”

Jamie’s eyes were glossy and her bravado slowly started to unravel

“You do realize,” I began with a tone dripping with venom, “that apart from assaulting government officials, your little escapade counts as treason? This is a top-secret project, Dr Nakamura. You are facing much more than just prison time.”

I paused, letting the weight of my words sink in. Jamie’s eyes were glossy and her bravado slowly started to unravel. This was the moment of truth. My chance to offer her an out.

“I know you’re not the mastermind behind all of this,” I said slowly. “It’s Jack Thorpinski, isn’t it? If you cooperate, and tell us everything, I might be inclined to help. But cross me again, and believe me when I say, your sentence will be far worse than you can imagine.”

Jamie’s face became pale, the corners of her mouth quivering. The strong, defiant woman who had walked into the room was now on the verge of a breakdown.

Sooner or later, everyone breaks

“So, what’s it going to be?” My voice was cold and unwavering. “Your freedom and life or your loyalty to Thorpinski?”

The room was silent. Every second felt like an hour as I awaited her answer.

The look on her face was clearly showing a thousand thoughts running through her head. Probably thinking about her daughter now and what may happen to her if she disappears..

Yeah, I know about her daughter, I’ve done my research.

She finally broke and whispered. “Alright, I’ll tell you what I know.”

I leaned back with satisfaction. I had her.

“Start talking, and we’ll see.”