Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

The relentless sun dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson hue over the barren landscape. The desert, a vast expanse of desolation, stood silent witness to our exchange.

The military helicopter stood like a beast of steel on the desert floor. Chinooks’ double rotors were thundering a cacophony that rivalled the howling winds, dust and heat rising in a storm around its armoured frame. The roar of its engines was a relentless force, a harbinger of the might and urgency that drove our clandestine operations.

I’m playing our best card

“Asset No. 2,” I commanded, my voice carrying over the chaos of the swirling sands. “It’s time we use what we’ve harboured.”

Rangemaster, clad in gear that mirrored the grit of the desert, locked eyes with me and I could sense his hesitation. “Sir, this move is our final card,” he protested and the din of the chopper ready to depart was punctuating his concern. “Consider the repercussions if we’re hasty.”

My retort was swift, I have no time for double-guessing my own decisions. “We already had this discussion. The world doesn’t wait, nor do its wars. And there are plenty of that out there recently. The Chinese and Russians are speeding up their weapons development. Every second we delay, the Gravity Gun slips further from our grasp.” His frown deepened and the lines on his face mirrored the craggy landscape surrounding us.

Even the difficult orders need to be executed

“Understood,” Rangemaster grumbled, hesitantly bowing to the necessity of my command. He turned on his heel, flanked by agents of silent fortitude ready to enact my will, and boarded the helicopter.

The rotors beat a storm above whipping the desert into an even greater frenzy. I watched the machine claw its way into the sky with possessive pride. “Go then,” I muttered under my breath, a cocky smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth, “and let not the world forget the might of Killian Rashmoor’s reach.”

The chopper became a speck in the vast desert night and my impatience for progress was already igniting the next blaze of commands.