Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

The rotor blades of the helicopter ceased their relentless drone as we landed back at the base. As I stepped out onto the familiar tarmac, the solid ground under my feet was a stark reminder of the control I wielded here. The base, with its orderly array of buildings and disciplined personnel, was my domain.

Anticipating Thorpinski’s Folly

Rangemaster, standing at attention beside me, awaited my orders. “Rangemaster,” I began, my tone exuding the authority that came naturally to me. “Thorpinski’s circling the drain. He’s desperate, and desperate men do stupid things. We need to be ready for whatever idiocy he decides to pull.”

Rangemaster’s eyes, always sharp and focused, mirrored my own determination. “Understood, sir. What are you expecting?”

I looked him straight in the eye, ensuring my message was clear. “Thorpinski’s playing a dangerous game. He’s got ideas above his station – thinks he can outsmart me with that Blue Hole nonsense. He’s going to slip up, and when he does, we need to be ready to act immediately.”

Rangemaster’s Resolve

Gone were any traces of doubt or hesitancy from Rangemaster. He was ready, a seasoned soldier attuned to my command. “I’ll prepare the asset for removal. At your command, we’ll move in.”

His readiness was reassuring. “Good. Thorpinski won’t see it coming. The moment he steps out of line, the moment he tries to pull another fast one, you’ll have my command. We’ll remove the asset and cut him off at the knees.”

As we walked towards the heart of the base, my mind was already racing with scenarios, each a chess move in the intricate game I was playing. Thorpinski’s next mistake would be his last, and I, Killian Rashmoor, would be the one to ensure it. The game was mine to win, and I was more than ready to make the final play.