This one is a rant. Enjoy.


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This one won’t be pleasant…

For f***s sake, why can’t things ever go the way I need them to go.

Sometimes I wish to do everything by myself and never rely on anyone else. How on earth with all the technology and scientific advancement in automation and computer sciences I still need to rely on those f***ing idiots who can’t get their ***ing job done right??!!!

I asked for specific team members to join the project, but no, I can’t f***ing have that. I’d replace you all with robots if I could! If others know better what’s best for Gravity Gun, why the f*** they hired me??

I hate not having it my way! I hate not having full control over my job! Sometimes I wish I was the only human on earth; it’d be so much easier if I didn’t have to rely on all those idiots!

Yeah, I got a little upset. And when I do, I don’t control my emotions too well. I don’t feel like I want to, though. Letting it all out feels good, I feel like the anger is slowly leaving my body when I spit it out.

At least that’s what I think.. because sometimes it feels like letting all this fury out brings more fury in. Am I f***ed?? Unless everything goes perfectly well, I’m never happy. How f***ed up is that? I should let it go and relax a little, but when things don’t go as I want them to, I just f***ing can’t.

Am I the only one in the world that feels this way??

Anyway, I am stuck with this Jamie that someone decided to add to my team.. she’d better perform well..