The bizarre upward lightning happened in Guatemala and was captured by Alyssa Barrundia.

Alyssa Barrundia is a missionary amateur photographer living in Guatemala.

She was able to capture the spectacle of upward lightning shooting from a mountain top at Volcan de Agua in the south of the Central American country on Friday.

According to Ms. Barrundia, it was the second time such lightning has occurred in the area within the past few weeks.

The upward lightning was spotted at Guatemala’s Volcan de Agua (Alyssa Barrundia)
Upward lightning in Guatemala (Alyssa Barrundia)

“It was quite spectacular,” Ms Barrundia told PA.

Upward lightning occurs when a super-charged electrical field is fixed to the tip/top of a building, a tall object, or a mountain (as with this situation).

Photo by Frank Cone from Pexels