Photo by Frank Cone:

The new Comet NEOWISE will continue to flash across the night sky for the remainder of July, so Northern Hemisphere astronomers should take advantage of any opportunities to view it.

According to NASA, after the comet vanishes from view, it won’t be seen again for another 6,800 years.

NEOWISE has changed from being a morning comet that could be seen low on the horizon in early July to an evening comet that can be seen clearly as the sky grows darker.

It was detected in late March by NASA’s NEOWISE mission, also known as the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer.

For the remainder of this month, the comet will continue to ascend higher over the northwest horizon. On July 22, when it is only 102m kilometres away, it will be closest to Earth.

Even though, in astronomical terms this is quite close, there is no need for concern as the comet will pass at a safe distance.