Photo by Luke Barky:

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The Grand Palace, a majestic, 70 feet tall structure that is part of Rutkinson Castle in upstate New York is holding a high-profile event as the Gravity Gun celebration party is taking place tonight.

Hybrid Universe’s independent reporter, Coyote Jones, is reporting live from the venue.

“Ladies and gentlemen”, a speaker started the ceremony. “I’d like to introduce you to our new Head of the project. We decided to honour a unique person and hand over this high-stake responsibility of delivering the last stage of the Gravity Gun project to him.”, the speaker continued.

Everyone seems captivated by Mr Rashmoor’s strong entrance.

“Let’s get to the point. Phase one of the Gravity Gun is complete and the most critical part of the project is ahead of us. You’ve gone far but my job is to make sure we won’t fail to turn this low-energy prototype into the powerful weapon that it’s meant to be. The enemy is catching up and America needs to stay ahead. As a patriot and proud American, I believe we should do everything we can to remain the most powerful country in the world, and having the world’s leading military capabilities ensures that. Through various assignments, I’ve committed my entire life and career to better our country’s security on the global scene and, by all means necessary, I will make sure that Gravity Gun is successfully completed on time as well”, the new Head of the GC project comes across very determined and maybe even a little secretive, if not irrational.

“There is no other choice. The war is raging in Europe, the tension in South-East Asia is alarmingly high and the enemy is working hard on improving its military capabilities. There is too much at stake and America needs to remain in control of the world order. We have no time to lose as every day counts”, some resentment can be sensed in Mr Rashmoor’s determination to succeed.

“That said, I am pleased to announce that for the last stage of the project, I selected a military establishment in El Paso, Texas. It has everything the project needs – high security, a powerful energy source and a shooting range where we will run a series of Gravity Gun tests. We have two months to finalise the weapon and for the benefit of all of us, I really hope we do”, the ending of his speech sounded nearly like a threat, but considering Mr Rashmoor’s past, this isn’t a surprise.

“Thank you all for your attention. Enjoy the party.”

Mr Rashmoor ended his speech and I am trying to arrange an interview with Jack Thorpinski, the leading scientist on the project. Unfortunately, he was last seen distressed, hastily rushing out of the building shortly after Mr Rashmoor’s introduction.