Killian Rashmoor sitting in his office

Time: 19:55

Seated on my superior leather couch, I picked up my journal, the weight of today’s insult heavy on my mind. The dimming light of day barely matched the darkness of my thoughts. My agent, one of the best I had, was found lifeless on the military base grounds. The audacity of it all! There’s no doubt in my mind: Thorpinski was behind this affront.

Does that fool think he can challenge me by eliminating a single pawn from my vast chessboard? Ha! I’ve dealt with bigger threats than him. But this blatant act of defiance… it’s clear I gave him too much credit. The man’s a pest, and pests need to be exterminated. He’s been working on that pathetic little project of his, the Gravity Gun. I’ll let him finish. Once he’s done, he’ll learn not to cross Killian Rashmoor.

He will become irrelevant once the Gun is finished

Time: 20:22

Some might wonder why I don’t just squash Thorpinski now. But I want him to feel the weight of impending doom. The Gravity Gun needs to be finished first as the government is launching a sister project and I can’t let the other team win the race. Anyway, once the Gun is finished, Thorpinski will be irrelevant. But for now, I’ll let him bask in his false sense of security.

I’ve always had an upper hand, always been two steps ahead. Now, it’s time to show Thorpinski just how outclassed he is. I have a trump card, one he won’t see coming. He’ll regret the day he decided to challenge me.

The total victory will be mine

Time: 21:43

Every day, I’m reminded of the mediocrity that surrounds me. Thorpinski’s latest move, as foolish as it was, only strengthens my resolve. It’s time to act, time to show him who he’s dealing with.

With every beat of my heart, my desire for revenge grows. Thorpinski will rue his actions. The Gravity Gun will be the jewel in my crown, and Thorpinski? He’ll be a footnote in history, a mere afterthought. My fury is undeniable, and my path, though perilous, is clear. This is a game, and I will accept nothing less than total victory.