The Gravity Cannon team is departing for the final stage of the project.
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The team has been given a tight deadline to pack and depart for the last stage of the Gravity Gun project.

This military project was given the highest priority as authorities are keen for it to be completed as soon as possible. The development of new weapons by foreign states is pushing US leaders to invest extra funds to ensure the next-gen weapon is finished on time.

The team will arrive at the new establishment at some point this week. The route and exact date of arrival remain classified to ensure the team, data and remaining equipment’s safe arrival at the new facility.

Killian Rashmoor will give Prof. Thorpinski and his team an update on the latest priorities by the end of the week.

Part of the team arrived at the new facility a few days ago and is setting up the workshop. This ensures the facility is fully operational when the main scientist and his closest team members arrive this week.

Military base leadership confirmed they are ready to fully cooperate with the team of scientists and provide the necessary support.

“We’re excited about the Gravity Gun’s true capability and are ready to assist the team where we can”, Gen. McKensey who is in charge of the base said.

The military has already selected a range of targets that the scientists can use to test the new weapon on. The exact list of vehicles remains highly classified but it’s likely to be a mixture of older generation tanks and helicopters. The latest AbramsX prototype is unlikely to become part of this exercise as it’s design is not final yet.